Our VALUES give us direction. Once we get clear on what is essential, you'll know where to focus your energy.
Our INTENTIONS set the foundation for whom we want to become. When we set an intention and frame it in the present tense, we acknowledge the alignment with our will, energy, and truth.
We SET GOALS to get results. Getting clear on what we want gives power to our intentions.
What we focus on becomes our reality. Our brain has the power to change its neuroplasticity; when we repeat a behavior, we can rewire our brain to form new paths and create new habits.
Be a curious OBSERVER instead of a critical judge. When we track activity, we can gain valuable information. Are our daily actions moving us closer to our goals? If we aren't getting desired results, how can we revise?
When we NOTICE the time, effort, and energy we contribute to achieving our goals, we have several opportunities to celebrate our success!